30 setembro 2019
Arte do esmalte

Numa das muitas visitas que fiz a esta oficina de esmaltagem, conversei com Luís Tato, herdeiro de uma pequena empresa familiar, que começou juntamente com o pai no final dos anos 90. Ao contrário do que era a tendência na época, em que a maioria das fábricas de esmaltagem fechavam portas, eles decidiram abrir e dedicar-se a nichos de mercado que procuravam peças muito específicas e personalizadas.
On one of the many visits I made to this enameling workshop, I spoke with Luís Tato, heir to his family business, which started with his father in the late 1990s. When most enameling factories were shutting down, they decided to open their workshop and pursue a niche market looking for specific and customized items.
On one of the many visits I made to this enameling workshop, I spoke with Luís Tato, heir to his family business, which started with his father in the late 1990s. When most enameling factories were shutting down, they decided to open their workshop and pursue a niche market looking for specific and customized items.
Quando começou a empresa?
Foi no final dos anos 80. O sonho começou a nascer por volta dos anos 90. Aquilo ainda foi um bocadinho um embrião… em 1990-91 andamos a ver qual seria a hipótese de uma ideia na qual tivéssemos alguma exclusividade, até que apareceu esta ideia. As fábricas estavam a fechar nessa época, as fábricas de esmaltagem que existiam aqui no Porto e a nível nacional.
It began in the late 1980s. Our "dream" was born around the 1990s. It was still a bit of an embryo. In 1990-1991 we were looking at what could be a good idea on which we had some exclusivity until we finally got it. The enameling factories in Porto and the rest of the country were all shutting down at that time.
It began in the late 1980s. Our "dream" was born around the 1990s. It was still a bit of an embryo. In 1990-1991 we were looking at what could be a good idea on which we had some exclusivity until we finally got it. The enameling factories in Porto and the rest of the country were all shutting down at that time.

Ainda existiam algumas [fábricas]?
Sim, mais na zona Norte. Ainda apanhamos alguma fábricas a laborar.
Yes, more in the North of Portugal. We still met some factories working.
Yes, more in the North of Portugal. We still met some factories working.

E faziam o quê, essencialmente, que tipo de peças?
Essas fábricas faziam utensílios de cozinha, banheiras, sinais de trânsito, números das portas, placas das ruas… Tudo o que era ligado à área do esmalte… eles faziam, tudo o que eram utensílios de cozinha, etc. Entretanto, essas fábricas começaram a fechar e vimos que havia ali um mercado que podíamos explorar. Acontece que, foi como já lhe disse, chamavam-nos loucos porque nós estávamos a abrir e os outros a fechar. E nós achámos que devia ficar aqui uma empresa a fazer também.
These factories made kitchen utensils, bathtubs, traffic signs, door numbers, street signs, etc. All the items that relate to the enamel range. All kinds of kitchen utensils, etc. However, these factories began to close up so we noticed that there was a market gap there that we could use. It turns out that, as I've told you, they called us crazy because we were opening up when all the others were closing. We thought that [at least] one company should remain in this area.
These factories made kitchen utensils, bathtubs, traffic signs, door numbers, street signs, etc. All the items that relate to the enamel range. All kinds of kitchen utensils, etc. However, these factories began to close up so we noticed that there was a market gap there that we could use. It turns out that, as I've told you, they called us crazy because we were opening up when all the others were closing. We thought that [at least] one company should remain in this area.

Já tinham conhecimento nessa área?
O meu pai é que tinha o know-how praticamente todo. Ele esteve à frente de algumas fábricas de esmaltagem e tinha muito know-how. Eu simplesmente aprendi o que ele me ensinou e depois tentei valorizar a arte do esmalte, que hoje já está mais valorizada, felizmente, graças também à existência da nossa empresa. Começamos então a explorar este sector e começamos por trabalho mesmo muito artesanal, ou seja, muito primitivo ainda, sem computadores, sem informática, sem internet — não existia a internet — nada, ou seja, …através de escantilhões, cartões... fazer os números com escantilhões de alumínio, escantilhões de cartão, plástico… era uma processo muito rudimentar. E portanto, aos poucos, fomos começando a tentar melhorar a qualidade. Com o passar do tempo, começamos a apostar um bocadinho na informática, programas de desenho, entretanto apareceu a internet, que foi uma grande ajuda, porque antes as nossas bases de dados eram as páginas amarelas (risos). E cheguei a ter páginas amarelas de norte a sul, que era o nosso índice, ou seja, íamos ao índice e tinha: “casas de ferragens, casas de carimbos, casas de velharias, pet-shop’s… esses foram os primeiros clientes. Aliás, foi da área de Lisboa que vieram os primeiros clientes. Porque, apesar das fábricas serem no norte, Lisboa é que consumia mais esmalte. Começamos a fazer umas amostras, e tal, e a reacção do público era muito boa, os clientes adoravam saber que havia uma empresa do norte que ia começar com essa atividade e começaram-nos a pedir coisas diversas: os números de porta eram a base, era o número um. Depois eram as placas “dos cães” e o “Aqui há gato” (risos).
My father had practically all the know-how. He was in charge of some enameling factories and had a lot of know-how. I just learned what he taught me, and then I tried to value the craft of enamel. This craft is further appreciated, fortunately, also thanks to the existence of our company. Then, we started to explore the area beginning by making very artisanal work, that is, very rough work, with no computers, no internet — there was no internet [at the time] — nothing, that is, we used templates, cardboard or aluminum templates... making the numbers with aluminum, cardboard, plastic templates… it was a very rudimentary process. And then, little by little, we started trying to improve the quality. As time went by, we began investing a bit more in information technology, drawing software... Then the internet appeared, which was of great help because, before that, our database was the Yellow Pages (laughs). I even had the Yellow Pages from the north to south of Portugal, which we used as our index. I mean, we went to the index and read: hardware shops, stamp shops, junk shops, pet shops, these were our first customers. Our very first customers came mostly from the Lisbon area. Despite most of the factories being in the north of Portugal, Lisbon consumed the most enamel items. We started by doing some samples and the reaction from the public was very good: customers loved to know that there was a company in the north that was going to start this activity. So customers started asking us for different things, door numbers were the basic, was our number one product. Then there were the "dog" signs and "there's the cat" signs (laughs).
My father had practically all the know-how. He was in charge of some enameling factories and had a lot of know-how. I just learned what he taught me, and then I tried to value the craft of enamel. This craft is further appreciated, fortunately, also thanks to the existence of our company. Then, we started to explore the area beginning by making very artisanal work, that is, very rough work, with no computers, no internet — there was no internet [at the time] — nothing, that is, we used templates, cardboard or aluminum templates... making the numbers with aluminum, cardboard, plastic templates… it was a very rudimentary process. And then, little by little, we started trying to improve the quality. As time went by, we began investing a bit more in information technology, drawing software... Then the internet appeared, which was of great help because, before that, our database was the Yellow Pages (laughs). I even had the Yellow Pages from the north to south of Portugal, which we used as our index. I mean, we went to the index and read: hardware shops, stamp shops, junk shops, pet shops, these were our first customers. Our very first customers came mostly from the Lisbon area. Despite most of the factories being in the north of Portugal, Lisbon consumed the most enamel items. We started by doing some samples and the reaction from the public was very good: customers loved to know that there was a company in the north that was going to start this activity. So customers started asking us for different things, door numbers were the basic, was our number one product. Then there were the "dog" signs and "there's the cat" signs (laughs).

Os famosos!
Exatamente. E claro, nós nunca tínhamos feito nada disso, os cliente começaram a mandar-nos uma amostras antigas e a partir das amostras antigas começamos a fazer réplicas. E pronto, começamos a aumentar a nossa capacidade de produção em termos de podermos fazer outros modelos, etc. E, ao longo desse tempo, fomos aos poucos evoluindo, evoluindo… até que, de facto entra a era da informática que nos facilitou muito, embora, há muito trabalho aqui que tem de ser artesanal. Tem que ser um trabalho tradicional, feito manualmente, porque a informática não faz tudo, e por um lado, ainda bem. Por isso muita coisa tem de ser manual… e começamos a fazer tudo à base de placas, o nosso mercado numero um é de produção de placas. E depois de estabilizar a parte das placas, então, começaram a aparecer naturalmente outras áreas, desde os candeeiros, a personalização de louça esmaltada, inclusivé também já fazemos alguma coisa de loiça [própria] esmaltada, e de restauros também de outras peças: mostradores de relógios antigos, que é uma área bastante procurada porque há muita dificuldade nessa área, e aos poucos fomos aperfeiçoando cada vez mais essa produção. Felizmente, chegamos agora a uma altura já com uma qualidade considerável e até mesmo internacionalmente somos reconhecidos. Trabalhamos com muitos país: toda a zona nórdica, Austrália, Estados Unidas e a Europa. Mas cada vez mais para os Estado Unidos e cada vez mais para a Espanha, por exemplo. Tudo, tudo por encomenda e personalizado. Ainda ontem esteve aqui, por exemplo, uns clientes que querem fazer uns candeeiros para pôr por cima de uma mesa de bilhar, que são uns candeeiros que levam três campânulas destas, que leva depois um suporte de um metro e vinte, mais ou menos, por acaso está giro. Ou seja, são coisas que não se vê no mercado…
Exactly. And of course, we had never done any of this before, customers started sending us old samples and from these old samples, we made replicas. And that's it, we started to increase our production capacity in terms of being able to make other models, etc. And, over that time, we were gradually evolving, evolving… until the computer age entered, which made it much easier, although there is a lot of work here that has to be handcrafted. It had to be a traditional craft, handmade, because information technology doesn't do everything, thankfully. So a lot of things have to be handmade. So we started to make everything based on plates and signs, which is our number one product. And after stabilizing this product, others began to come up like the lampshades and the customized enamel crockery. And we also produce our own enameled crockery. We can also restore other pieces: backgrounds for antique wall clocks, which is a popular item because there aren't many options for this piece, and little by little we improved our offer. Fortunately, we have now reached a considerable status with quality and international recognition. We work with many countries: the Scandinavian countries, Australia, the United States, and Europe. But more and more for the United States and more and more for Spain, for example. Everything, everything is made to order and customized. Yesterday, for example, I had some customers here who wanted to purchase some lampshades to put on top of a pool table, which is a piece that includes three of these plate lampshades plus a structure about four feet long, more or less... Well, it worked fine. I mean, these are the kind of things that you simply don't see on the market...
Exactly. And of course, we had never done any of this before, customers started sending us old samples and from these old samples, we made replicas. And that's it, we started to increase our production capacity in terms of being able to make other models, etc. And, over that time, we were gradually evolving, evolving… until the computer age entered, which made it much easier, although there is a lot of work here that has to be handcrafted. It had to be a traditional craft, handmade, because information technology doesn't do everything, thankfully. So a lot of things have to be handmade. So we started to make everything based on plates and signs, which is our number one product. And after stabilizing this product, others began to come up like the lampshades and the customized enamel crockery. And we also produce our own enameled crockery. We can also restore other pieces: backgrounds for antique wall clocks, which is a popular item because there aren't many options for this piece, and little by little we improved our offer. Fortunately, we have now reached a considerable status with quality and international recognition. We work with many countries: the Scandinavian countries, Australia, the United States, and Europe. But more and more for the United States and more and more for Spain, for example. Everything, everything is made to order and customized. Yesterday, for example, I had some customers here who wanted to purchase some lampshades to put on top of a pool table, which is a piece that includes three of these plate lampshades plus a structure about four feet long, more or less... Well, it worked fine. I mean, these are the kind of things that you simply don't see on the market...

Exato, são [peças] mais difíceis de encontrar…
… e que nós tentamos fazer personalizado, o que o cliente quer. E portanto, atualmente, somos o único atelier da Peninsula Ibérica a fazer este tipo de trabalho e o nosso objetivo é tentar cada vez mais melhorar a qualidade e ter novos produtos… Uma coisa que me fascina são as peças antigas, se eu puder fazer uma réplica de peças antigas eu faço. Neste momento vamos recuperando algumas, é o caso dos bidés antigos, jarros, bacias, etc. ainda vamos fazendo alguma coisa para manter aquela tradição, aqueles modelos antigos, para não deixar morrer essa arte. Mas essencialmente, a área número um é mesmo [as] placas esmaltadas, no entanto vamos acompanhando com a produção de outra peças, que também é muito bom. Portanto, isto é uma empresa familiar e eu sou a segunda geração (risos).
… and that we try to make custom pieces, exactly what the customer wants. And so, currently, we are the only workshop in both Portugal and Spain to do this type of work and our goal is to try more and more to improve the quality and have new products. One thing that excites me is the old enameled items. If I can make a replica of an old piece, I'll do it. At this moment we are restoring some, it is the case of antique bidés, jars, pots, etc. We restore some of these kinds of pieces to maintain that tradition, those antique designs, so the craft won't vanish. Our number one items are the enamel signs, but we like to follow along with the making of other items, and that's great. So, this is a small family company and I'm the second generation [laughs].
… and that we try to make custom pieces, exactly what the customer wants. And so, currently, we are the only workshop in both Portugal and Spain to do this type of work and our goal is to try more and more to improve the quality and have new products. One thing that excites me is the old enameled items. If I can make a replica of an old piece, I'll do it. At this moment we are restoring some, it is the case of antique bidés, jars, pots, etc. We restore some of these kinds of pieces to maintain that tradition, those antique designs, so the craft won't vanish. Our number one items are the enamel signs, but we like to follow along with the making of other items, and that's great. So, this is a small family company and I'm the second generation [laughs].

Ainda está no início…
É. E tudo devo ao meu pai, porque se não fosse o meu pai isto não existia. Ele é que tinha o know-how, eu simplesmente valorizei e aprendi aquilo que ele me ensinou. Foi óptimo, tudo lhe devo a ele, e pronto, aproveitei ao máximo o que pude aproveitar enquanto ele foi vivo e pronto, tentei aproveitar ao máximo tudo o que ele sabia e que um dia me poderia faltar, …e falta agora, portanto, o que aprendi aprendi, o que não aprendi não aprendi… e tenho uma equipa muito boa também. Felizmente tenho uma equipa que me apoia e que também são profissionais, gostam daquilo que fazem o que é muito bom. E portanto, não é fácil arranjar pessoas para trabalhar nesta área. Não há nenhuma formação profissional nesta área, a única formação profissional é aqui, não há universidades, não há nada… Portanto, temos que dar a formação, temos que começar do zero, mas, ao fim de um ano já está operacional para fazer muita coisa. Temos aqui um funcionário que tem um ano [de casa] e já trabalha muito bem, mas também é preciso gostar. Se não gostar não há nada feito.
Yes, and I owe it all to my father because without him there would be no company. He taught me everything I know, he had all the know-how and I just learned and treasured his teachings. And it was great, I owe it all to him, I took the most of that learning that I could, while he was alive. I tried to value all he knew and that one day I would miss, that I do know... So, what I've learned I've learned, and what I haven't I just won't have the opportunity again. I also have a great team working with me. They're very professional, they like what they do and they support me a lot. Because it's not easy to find people to work int his area. There's no professional training in enamel craft, no university studies, nothing... the only professional training is here. So, I have to train a worker from scratch, but, after a year or so, he/she'll be able to make a lot of tasks. At the moment we have a worker that's working here for a year now, and he's working very well. But you need to enjoy the work, of course. If you don't enjoy it, it won't work.
Yes, and I owe it all to my father because without him there would be no company. He taught me everything I know, he had all the know-how and I just learned and treasured his teachings. And it was great, I owe it all to him, I took the most of that learning that I could, while he was alive. I tried to value all he knew and that one day I would miss, that I do know... So, what I've learned I've learned, and what I haven't I just won't have the opportunity again. I also have a great team working with me. They're very professional, they like what they do and they support me a lot. Because it's not easy to find people to work int his area. There's no professional training in enamel craft, no university studies, nothing... the only professional training is here. So, I have to train a worker from scratch, but, after a year or so, he/she'll be able to make a lot of tasks. At the moment we have a worker that's working here for a year now, and he's working very well. But you need to enjoy the work, of course. If you don't enjoy it, it won't work.