A escova especial

Uma conversa que tive com o responsável da Escovaria de Belomonte, Rui Rodrigues, que mantém a última escovaria da cidade a funcionar dentro da família, na terceira geração. Nesta conversa, falamos muito do valor dos produtos artesanais, de como estas peças podem ser objetos de culto ou mesmo de luxo e do gosto em fazer bem.
A conversation I had with the head of Escovaria de Belomonte, Rui Rodrigues, who keeps the last shop dedicated solely to artisanal brushes and brooms in town, working still within the family, and is now in the third generation. We talked a lot about the value of handcrafted products, how these pieces can be objects of worship or even luxury, and the drive for making well-made objects.
A conversation I had with the head of Escovaria de Belomonte, Rui Rodrigues, who keeps the last shop dedicated solely to artisanal brushes and brooms in town, working still within the family, and is now in the third generation. We talked a lot about the value of handcrafted products, how these pieces can be objects of worship or even luxury, and the drive for making well-made objects.
[Sobre a história recente da escovaria, que começa em 2007]
Isto [a escovaria] esteve para fechar porque a família queria dar isto à Fatinha porque era a única que percebia de escovas, mas ela dizia que se “eu estiver aqui a fazer escovas não vou andar lá fora a vender, quem é que vem aqui comprar?”. E por isso a Fatinha não quis. Eu trabalhava na área da decoração de interiores, sempre trabalhei com madeiras e cortiças e gostava muito destas coisas, e então propus à minha mulher ficarmos com isto. A família em vez de fechar isto, passou-nos o negócio. A partir daí fui ver o que havia no antigamente. É muito parco em história escrita e desenhos, tem muito pouco, mas o que tinha deu para nós fazer-mos um “filmezito”. Então começamos a investir nas escovas pessoais, as escovas domésticas, mas com uma mais-valia: escovas bem trabalhadas, [feitas] com madeiras.
The workshop was about to close down: the owners wanted to give this to Fátima because she was the only one who knew about brush making, but she said that “if I'm here making brushes, I'm not going to be out there selling, so who's coming here to buy them?". That's why Fátima declined the offer. I worked with interior decoration, I've always worked with wood and cork and I really enjoyed those things, and so I proposed to my wife that we kept the shop withinh the family. The owners, instead of closing this, passed the deal on to us. Then I went to serch for what was there from the "old days". It is very sparse in written history and drawings, there wasn't much, but what we found out made it possible for us to imagine this "story". So we started to invest in personal brushes and household brushes but with an added value: fine artisanal brushes, [handmade] with wood.
The workshop was about to close down: the owners wanted to give this to Fátima because she was the only one who knew about brush making, but she said that “if I'm here making brushes, I'm not going to be out there selling, so who's coming here to buy them?". That's why Fátima declined the offer. I worked with interior decoration, I've always worked with wood and cork and I really enjoyed those things, and so I proposed to my wife that we kept the shop withinh the family. The owners, instead of closing this, passed the deal on to us. Then I went to serch for what was there from the "old days". It is very sparse in written history and drawings, there wasn't much, but what we found out made it possible for us to imagine this "story". So we started to invest in personal brushes and household brushes but with an added value: fine artisanal brushes, [handmade] with wood.

Começaram a voltar a coisa para a qualidade.
Exatamente. Portanto, fazer com qualidade e com cerdas naturais, porque já se tinha acabado com isso, usavam-se os nylons porque as cerdas naturais para a indústria não tinham interesse nenhum. Embora nós, agora, trabalhamos com o pelo natural para a indústria, misturado [com pelo sintético] porque achamos que funciona melhor, tanto funciona que os clientes pedem “É destas que eu quero”. Então peguei nisso, fui fazendo algumas coisas diferentes, as coisas foram dando resultado e agora têm vindo a crescer, aos pouquinhos. E a partir daí houve gente que se começou a interessar por isto: “Olha que giro, fazer à mão…” e o passa-palavra e a qualidade começou-nos a trazer mais gente. E agora não só temos a indústria (que é uma coisa que ainda nos mantém), e temos mais indústria, que procura o feito à mão porque é mais resistente e dura mais tempo. E também temos as escovas pessoais e domésticas que também se começam a vender muito mais. Embora eu costumo dizer que as nossas escovas domésticas e pessoais não têm preço, têm um valor: o valor que nós lhe damos. Porque na realidade, chega a uma determinada altura e não é o preço que conta, é a qualidade da coisa e a garantia que nós damos em como aquilo funciona para uma determinada função…
Exactly. Therefore, to make it with the best quality and with natural bristles. Before, the brush makers were only using nylon bristles because the natural bristles were of no interest for the industry. Although we now work with natural hair for the industry, mixed [with synthetic hair] because we think it works better, so much so that customers ask for it: "This is what I want". So I took this idea, I made some things differently, and things just worked out, and now they have been growing, little by little. And then people started to get interested in this [kind of product]: “Look how cute, making it by hand…” and the word of mouth and the quality started to bring us more clients. Nowadays not only do we have the industry (which is something that still keeps us going), and we have more industry, which looks for handmade because it is more resistant and it lasts longer. And we also have personal and household brushes, which are also starting to sell a lot more. Although I usually say that our household and personal brushes are priceless, they have a value: the value that you give them. Because in reality, it reaches a certain point that's not the price that matters [for the client], but it's the quality of the product and the guarantee that we provide for its usability.
Exactly. Therefore, to make it with the best quality and with natural bristles. Before, the brush makers were only using nylon bristles because the natural bristles were of no interest for the industry. Although we now work with natural hair for the industry, mixed [with synthetic hair] because we think it works better, so much so that customers ask for it: "This is what I want". So I took this idea, I made some things differently, and things just worked out, and now they have been growing, little by little. And then people started to get interested in this [kind of product]: “Look how cute, making it by hand…” and the word of mouth and the quality started to bring us more clients. Nowadays not only do we have the industry (which is something that still keeps us going), and we have more industry, which looks for handmade because it is more resistant and it lasts longer. And we also have personal and household brushes, which are also starting to sell a lot more. Although I usually say that our household and personal brushes are priceless, they have a value: the value that you give them. Because in reality, it reaches a certain point that's not the price that matters [for the client], but it's the quality of the product and the guarantee that we provide for its usability.

E que dura a vida inteira…
… e que dura a vida inteira. A menina compra e depois fica para os filhos, dos filhos para os netos, na boa. Ainda outro dia tivemos aí uma escova que já tinha aproximadamente 80 anos, reparámo-la e a senhora foi felicíssima da vida com aquilo. Nós temos ali uma escova que trabalhou durante 40 anos com um engraxador: ela está praticamente nova. Tem o desgaste do tempo: pôr a mão, a madeira empenar um bocado, mas a função está lá, ainda pode ser usada.
… And it lasts for a lifetime. You can buy it now and it will last for your children, and then for your children's children. The other day we repaired a brush that was about 80 years old, and the owner was really happy about it! We have a brush over there that "worked" for 40 years in the hands of a shoeshiner: it is practically new. It has the wear and tear of time: from the daily handling the wood bent a little, but it's still functional, it can still be used [to shine shoes] today.
… And it lasts for a lifetime. You can buy it now and it will last for your children, and then for your children's children. The other day we repaired a brush that was about 80 years old, and the owner was really happy about it! We have a brush over there that "worked" for 40 years in the hands of a shoeshiner: it is practically new. It has the wear and tear of time: from the daily handling the wood bent a little, but it's still functional, it can still be used [to shine shoes] today.
Ainda dura mais 100 [anos].
Exatamente. Foi aí que nós pegamos, nesse tipo de trabalho e começamos a dar-lhe uma roupagem diferente. Entretanto, há coisa de dois anos foi começando a entrar o meu filho, portanto, eu sou a terceira geração, se assim se pode dizer (seria a minha mulher mas sou eu) e o meu filho, portanto, a quarta geração. E pronto, ele deu um ‘safanão’ maior a isto. Já está num patamar que não estava há dois anos. Ele há um ano atrás conseguiu com que isto crescesse mais um bocado, honra lhe seja feita, não me custa nada admitir. Isto é sempre assim: ou vem um que melhora ou vem um que deita tudo abaixo, é mesmo assim.
Exactly. That's why we took this type of [skillfull] work and started to give it a different look. Meanwhile, about two years ago my son started to work with us, so I am the third generation if you can say that (it would be my wife but it's me) and my son, therefore, the fourth generation. And he also gave his contribution by shaking things a bit. He's already at a different level than he was two years ago. He managed to make the business grow a little more about a year ago, I have to give it to him, although it costs me nothing to admit it. It's always the case with [family businesses]: either one improves it or the other brings it down, that's the way it is.
Exactly. That's why we took this type of [skillfull] work and started to give it a different look. Meanwhile, about two years ago my son started to work with us, so I am the third generation if you can say that (it would be my wife but it's me) and my son, therefore, the fourth generation. And he also gave his contribution by shaking things a bit. He's already at a different level than he was two years ago. He managed to make the business grow a little more about a year ago, I have to give it to him, although it costs me nothing to admit it. It's always the case with [family businesses]: either one improves it or the other brings it down, that's the way it is.

Mas tem que haver mudança…
Tem que haver mudança. A mudança é sempre difícil, porque eu sendo mais velho, como conhecedor do mercado, nunca deixo: “Vá, podes fazer”. Fui sempre cortando. Embora por vezes ele tinha razão, mas eu também não lha dava logo para ele perceber que as coisas não são como queremos, às vezes é como podemos. Então fui cortando. Mas houve uma altura que tive de começar a dar e realmente tem vindo a dar resultado. Agora estamos os dois ainda meio-meio, mando meio eu, manda meio ele. Isto é futuro para ele, vamos ver… em princípio é isso que nós estamos a preparar. O futuro para ele terá que ser bem melhor que o da altura em que eu tinha a idade dele. (…) Eu já consegui, depois do sr. Fernando, aumentar um bocadinho as coisas [o negócio] para melhor e agora o Sérgio com certeza que os horizontes dele são outros. Portanto, é assim que estamos neste momento na Escovaria de Belomonte.
Yes, it does. Change is always difficult, but because I'm older and I know the market, I never leave him to make this change on his own: “Yeah, you can do it”, on the contrary: I'm always putting some stops on him. Although sometimes he was right, I'd never give it to him right away, so he can realize that things are not as we want. So I would interfere in his way. But then there was a time when I had to start working alongside him, and it has been working out fine. Now the two of us are on equal ground, we divide the management between the two. This is his future, I hope... at least that's what we're planning for. His future must have to be much better than when I was his age. (…) I've already managed, after Sr. Fernando [the previous owner], to improve the business a little bit, and now with Sérgio running things, I'm sure that his horizons are quite different. So, this is how we are managing at the moment at Escovaria de Belomonte.
Yes, it does. Change is always difficult, but because I'm older and I know the market, I never leave him to make this change on his own: “Yeah, you can do it”, on the contrary: I'm always putting some stops on him. Although sometimes he was right, I'd never give it to him right away, so he can realize that things are not as we want. So I would interfere in his way. But then there was a time when I had to start working alongside him, and it has been working out fine. Now the two of us are on equal ground, we divide the management between the two. This is his future, I hope... at least that's what we're planning for. His future must have to be much better than when I was his age. (…) I've already managed, after Sr. Fernando [the previous owner], to improve the business a little bit, and now with Sérgio running things, I'm sure that his horizons are quite different. So, this is how we are managing at the moment at Escovaria de Belomonte.
Estava a dizer que uma parte considerável [dos clientes da Escovaria] ainda é a indústria.
Sim, ainda é o que mantém isto, neste momento ainda é a indústria.
Yes, of course. I learned some things. I learned how to glue formica to the furniture pices, for exemple.
Yes, of course. I learned some things. I learned how to glue formica to the furniture pices, for exemple.
A indústria especializada principalmente do têxtil ou já é uma mistura de várias indústrias?
É uma mistura: industria têxtil, indústria do calçado nem tanto porque ainda está muito difícil… mas também fazemos. Indústria têxtil, indústria do queijo, chocolate… é basicamente isso. Esta aqui é para a indústria de papelaria.

A outra parte então já são os clientes finais?
Exatamente, que compram ou porque gostam ou porque… Isto é assim, a menina para comprar uma escova pessoal ou uma escova de calçado pode gastar 100 euros, até pode gastar mais, neste momento pode gastar até 104 [a escova mais cara], mas pode gastar muito mais… Mas imagine uma escova para calçado: quem gasta 100 euros numa escova não vai levar só uma, porquê, porque o calçado não se contenta só com uma escova. O calçado tem uma escova para puxar a cera, outra para puxar brilho, e outra para limpar diariamente. E quem compra uma escova dessas é alguém que tem uma calçado que não é igual ao meu e que custa, sei lá…
… várias vezes essa escova, não é?
This kind of wax [bee’s wax] allow to use the piece for longer, it just takes more time to dry out after applying. There are some wood waxes in the market today that are dry in 10-15 minutes, but the level of protection is very different. (...) But we lost so much... we used to have the old carpenters who made the waxes themselfs and the infusions, and that kind of [knowledge] was lost.
… várias vezes essa escova, não é?
This kind of wax [bee’s wax] allow to use the piece for longer, it just takes more time to dry out after applying. There are some wood waxes in the market today that are dry in 10-15 minutes, but the level of protection is very different. (...) But we lost so much... we used to have the old carpenters who made the waxes themselfs and the infusions, and that kind of [knowledge] was lost.

Que é para ser proporcional ao investimento.
Claro. A primeira vez que eu vendi o par de escovas, o kit completo, o cliente disse: “Eu quero tudo… porque eu tenho sapatos que custam 2000 e 2500 euros, por isso eu tenho de tratar isto 5 estrelas.” [Neste contexto] 400 euros o que é… não é nada. E fica para uma série de calçado. Portanto isto é tudo proporcional aquilo a que cada um pode chegar.
The other day I was talking to a friend, he has a bunch of material on these subjects of restoration and waxes, and he even promissed me some books on this to study further. There are different waxes, there’s this vegetable wax called carnaúba, that like super-hard, and is great for the pieces that are woodturned. He’s the same guy that gets us the national timber for us to make a new series of drum snares with national wood. He’s helping out sharing the timber pieces he can find.
The other day I was talking to a friend, he has a bunch of material on these subjects of restoration and waxes, and he even promissed me some books on this to study further. There are different waxes, there’s this vegetable wax called carnaúba, that like super-hard, and is great for the pieces that are woodturned. He’s the same guy that gets us the national timber for us to make a new series of drum snares with national wood. He’s helping out sharing the timber pieces he can find.
E que quer, não é? Há pessoas que investem em certas coisas muito específicas.
Sim, sim, exatamente. Eu às vezes gosto de ver… para me aperceber do que é o luxo. Eu tive aqui uma senhora que veio cá comprar uma escova de propósito, porque nós fazemos aquelas escovas [aponta para a vitrine]. São 10 [ao todo], nós vamos na quinta, ela levou a quarta. Ela queria levar a primeira, mas a primeira já tinha ido.
It is because it’s an indistry that is lost. [In Portugal] We don’t have large trees for furniture and all. But we have good timber, more like shrubs, with smaller trunks... I have an Azinheira hull that is beautiful, but this tree, in Portugal, when it’s cut down is only ment for firewood... it’s not used for anything else. I’m also far away from Alentejo [where the Azinheira grows], so he managed to get us a piece and it’s so beautiful.
It is because it’s an indistry that is lost. [In Portugal] We don’t have large trees for furniture and all. But we have good timber, more like shrubs, with smaller trunks... I have an Azinheira hull that is beautiful, but this tree, in Portugal, when it’s cut down is only ment for firewood... it’s not used for anything else. I’m also far away from Alentejo [where the Azinheira grows], so he managed to get us a piece and it’s so beautiful.
Porque há peças que vocês numeram?
Exatamente. Está em quatro de dez, vou fazer agora a quinta [escova].
Exactly. It’s now at 4 out of 10, I’m making the fifth [brush] soon.
Exactly. It’s now at 4 out of 10, I’m making the fifth [brush] soon.

São edições limitadas.
Sim, edições limitadas… A senhora veio cá: “Não interessa para que é que serve, eu gosto muito disto.” Era uma senhora que vinha com uma [mala] Louis Vuitton, e uma Louis Vuitton custava 35 mil euros. (…) Mas isso não é para qualquer um, nós só vamos à Louis Vuitton se tivermos dinheiro para comprar. A menina não vai à Louis Vuitton para comprar uma carteira ou seja o que fôr e perguntar o preço, eles nem têm lá preços. Não sei se já entrou numa loja dessas, eu já entrei por curiosidade, nós vemos: “Gosto desta!”, gosta e depois chega ao fim e paga, ou o empregado vem consigo e passa-lhe o cartão de crédito que é só passar. Aqui não existe o preço, é o valor que a coisa tem. Ainda outro dia estive a ver… — isto só para chegarmos aquilo que eu lhe vou querer dizer — eu vou falar outra vez da Louis Vitton que é a que me vem agora à cabeça. Imagine que a sua avó tinha comprado um vestido na Louis Vitton há uns anos atrás.
It is because it’s an indistry that is lost. [In Portugal] We don’t have large trees for furniture and all. But we have good timber, more like shrubs, with smaller trunks... I have an Azinheira hull that is beautiful, but this tree, in Portugal, when it’s cut down is only ment for firewood... it’s not used for anything else. I’m also far away from Alentejo [where the Azinheira grows], so he managed to get us a piece and it’s so beautiful.
It is because it’s an indistry that is lost. [In Portugal] We don’t have large trees for furniture and all. But we have good timber, more like shrubs, with smaller trunks... I have an Azinheira hull that is beautiful, but this tree, in Portugal, when it’s cut down is only ment for firewood... it’s not used for anything else. I’m also far away from Alentejo [where the Azinheira grows], so he managed to get us a piece and it’s so beautiful.
Hoje em dia vale quarenta vezes mais.
Exatamente. E não só: fala com eles e põe-lhe aquilo para o seu corpo. O mesmo vestido, arranjam e põe-lhe aquilo para o seu corpo.
Exactly. And not only that: you can talk to them and they'll adapt that dress to your body. The same dress, they'll sew it and adapt it for you.
Exactly. And not only that: you can talk to them and they'll adapt that dress to your body. The same dress, they'll sew it and adapt it for you.

Lá está, porque é um negócio, não só da personalização, mas é um negócio da alfaiataria à medida, tornada contemporânea e de um nível de luxo.
Exatamente. Porque aquilo é bom, não vai deitar fora… Portanto, continua com esse nível de luxo, feito na mesma por eles, pegam naquilo, põe na menina, tal, tal, tal, segura ali não sei quê, e fica novo. E no entanto já era da sua avó, mas é um Louis Vitton. E no fundo é isto que…
Exactly. Because that's good quality, you won't throw it away… So, it continues with that level of luxury, made by them anyway, they take it, put it on you, adapt it to you and it's "new". And yet it was your grandmother's dress, but it's a Louis Vitton. And in the end, this is what…
Exactly. Because that's good quality, you won't throw it away… So, it continues with that level of luxury, made by them anyway, they take it, put it on you, adapt it to you and it's "new". And yet it was your grandmother's dress, but it's a Louis Vitton. And in the end, this is what…
É o que vocês tentam replicar aqui também, com as escovas.
Exatamente. (…) Portanto, nós se pegarmos numa coisa, num objeto que nos dure várias gerações, nós gostamos disso. “É pá, eu tenho coisas do meu avô, que fixe! Olha o tempo que isto durou!”
Exactly! (…) When we have something, an object that lasts for several generations, we just cherish that. “Yeah, I have things from my grandfather, that's cool! Look how long this lasted!"
Exactly! (…) When we have something, an object that lasts for several generations, we just cherish that. “Yeah, I have things from my grandfather, that's cool! Look how long this lasted!"

Hoje em dia valoriza-se cada vez mais isso. O vintage está outra vez altamente valorizado.
Exatamente. Exatamente. Eu julgo que isto depois também vai acabar, há de vir outra altura em que as coisas vão continuar. Agora o que é que nós, Escovaria, temos de fazer? É colocarmo-nos num ponto em que a procura vá sendo sempre a mesma, não bem a mesma, mas andar por ali. Nós precisamos de vender uma peça, ou duas, ou três, mas que nos mantenham a casa. E é a esse ponto que nós queremos chegar. Mas queremos mesmo, é uma condição que nós temos, e havemos de lá chegar. Nunca deixando aqui o “espanadorzinho” e não sei quê, queremos fazer coisas para que marque realmente...
Exactly. Exactly. I think this will also come to an end in the future, there will come another time when things will simply continue. Now, what do we, as a business, have to do? It's placing ourselves at a point where the demand is always the same, maybe not quite the same, but just about the same. So that one day, we'll just need to sell a piece, or two, or three, and those will be enough to keep the business going for us. And that's the point where we want to get. But we actually want this, it's a condition we have, and I'm sure we'll get there. Never leaving behind the need to sell other pieces, like the occasional "duster" here and there, but we ambition to make things that leave a mark...
Exactly. Exactly. I think this will also come to an end in the future, there will come another time when things will simply continue. Now, what do we, as a business, have to do? It's placing ourselves at a point where the demand is always the same, maybe not quite the same, but just about the same. So that one day, we'll just need to sell a piece, or two, or three, and those will be enough to keep the business going for us. And that's the point where we want to get. But we actually want this, it's a condition we have, and I'm sure we'll get there. Never leaving behind the need to sell other pieces, like the occasional "duster" here and there, but we ambition to make things that leave a mark...
E que construam a marca, também para o futuro, não é?
Exatamente. É o que nós estamos a tentar fazer. Vamos ver se conseguimos.
Exactly. That's what we're trying to do. Let's see if we can get there.
Exactly. That's what we're trying to do. Let's see if we can get there.
Sim, é um trabalho mesmo a muito longo prazo. Que demora muito tempo a construir.
Sim, sim, claro. Demora muito tempo a fazer. Agora está o Sérgio, e depois virá, se Deus quiser… (Eu não sou muito católico, mas esta coisa do “se Deus quiser” vem sempre…) vem o filho do Sérgio… e é isso que nós pretendíamos. É engraçado… está a ver, eu já estou na terceira, o Sérgio na quarta geração, uma quinta geração… quer dizer, há de um dia chegar e dizer: “Esta malta têm que ser mesmo muito bons para conseguirem estar aqui ainda a resistir.”
Yes, yes, of course. It takes a long time to achieve this. Now there's Sérgio, and then it's coming, God willing… (I'm not very Catholic, but this “God willing” thing always happens…) Sérgio's son comes along… and that's what we're intended. It's funny… you see, I'm already in the third generation, Sérgio in the fourth generation, a fifth-generation… I mean, one day people will say: “These guys have to be really good to be able to be here, still working.”
Yes, yes, of course. It takes a long time to achieve this. Now there's Sérgio, and then it's coming, God willing… (I'm not very Catholic, but this “God willing” thing always happens…) Sérgio's son comes along… and that's what we're intended. It's funny… you see, I'm already in the third generation, Sérgio in the fourth generation, a fifth-generation… I mean, one day people will say: “These guys have to be really good to be able to be here, still working.”
… durante tanto tempo e manter a coisa.
Exatamente. “Eu tenho escovas que a minha avó já comprou lá e está porreira… o meu avô, o meu bisavô, não sei quê.” E é essa coisa que nós realmente queremos, é deixar uma marca. Vamos ver! Se calhar é sonhar alto mas o sonho comanda a vida.
Exactly. "I have brushes that my grandmother already bought there and it's cool... my grandfather, my great-grandfather, I don't know what." And that's what we want, is to leave a mark. We will see! Maybe it's dreaming high but it's dreaming that leads life.
Exactly. "I have brushes that my grandmother already bought there and it's cool... my grandfather, my great-grandfather, I don't know what." And that's what we want, is to leave a mark. We will see! Maybe it's dreaming high but it's dreaming that leads life.